Wednesday 20 January 2010

Vilared+Outsyders Match Report.

Before I say anything else, I would like to thank to all those who came AND PLAYED! (us 3 kapitanos, Haneef, Sanusi, Ti, Nazri, Afham, FarhaMid, Adli, Dzul) 
and a big shout-out to Nuts for scoring our only goal which barely made a mark on the scoreline. Frankly, I'm quite disappointed in those who didn't play. Such excuses that I've heard from you guys. At least make an effort to come. Them Vilareds, according to si Beng, banyak jua yang malas kan datang match main, datang jua masih! They went full-gear on us, babes in terms of their numbers. it was like a 3:1 ratio, man! Anyway, next match (excluding the one tomorrow against 5U and on Friday against Unperfect UFC), I want all of you guys to promise me to come. Pfft. A huge disappointment. Anyway, we hold our heads up high and just play better next time. They were a hard team to beat anyway.

And we captains have been thinking of signing a new goalkeeper as a backup to our current GKs. Ani semua bah tiga-tiga inda datang! Kan mati kali. Astee. HAHAHA. anyone in mind? Choices now is: Isyraq and Zainul a.k.a Cloud. Quality keepers but sometimes durang ani sanang jua lasuk. Iatah, big decision to make, short time to think. I want all of you guys to discuss this amongst each other, and tell either one of us 3. Sapek and Adib already agreed on Isyraq but I've not given them the answer yet. We 3 must reach a final decision before announcing it because right now, we have a full house. We wanna sign an all-around GK, who can play an outfield role too. But we'll just need him to be a GK, in the meantime. So, make up your mind. Sign anyone or sign no one at all.

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