Thursday 21 January 2010

MA5U match report.

Thanks to everyone who came. Ani tebalik tepulang, yang datang kelmarin inda datang, yang inda datang kelmarin, datang tia -.- Hahaha. Biar tia lah. 

Ok, match report. The game started out slow for the first 15 mins with no goals but Aisam score the opener just after we went all-in. He scored another 3 goals in the space of 30 mins and Joe scored a goal from far out to make the score, 5-4 in favor of us. And a few minutes before the game ends, another goal was scored by guess who? Aisam jua lagi kan. Top form ia anak ah :P

Hahaha, the game ended 6-4 which marked Ivalice's first win over a senior team for this year! 

Thanks to Syazani, Syafiq Adli, Haneef, Sanusi and Amirul for their assists and a very big thank you to those who did well defending especially AJ and Farhan Emo and again THANKS TO THOSE WHO CAME! This game wraps up our matches this week. We dont have any match invitation for next week so far, but if ada, you'll be the first to hear it. OK?

A wonderful display from Aisam so kudos to him for 5 of the goals, lawa bui! Nanti buat catu lagi ah. Alright.

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