Wednesday 27 January 2010

MS Year 9s vs. MS Form 5s match report.

The day was fucking hot, the ground was fucking hot and dry and hard. And we lost, yeay! Hahaha.

Im not sure about their score but we found the back of the net twice courtesy of Farhamid and Faiz. Walaupun geng, adeh :P

Banyak yang injured, banyak main 'bagus', banyak yang disappointed but what the hell, it's all for our experience anyway. We have to take on the seniors with pride, walaupun in the end, hilang pride atu. HAHAHA! Jangan takut.

Bah, nanti lagi. Kalau kamu masih lapar, aku buleh bagitau them Outsyders tani lawan durang padang next Wednesday. But not sure lah. Bah, atu saja.

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