Friday 8 January 2010


YO HOMES! We gotta do some'n bout them MSVs taking our player, si Hazeeq ah. That shit ain't right! I heard they're also trying to take Syazwan away from Genesis, still don't have the confirmation in that tho'. But yeah, we need to do something. Macam si banar lagi tu. Zeeq Sebelas Zeeq Sebelas. Get your own fucking teammate! He's ours. And i think i speak for all MS-ians when i say, STOP USING MS' NAME IN YOUR TEAM'S NAME! ada lagi tu team baru, MS Football Federation. Wah, omaigod! Kalah DPMM ni, bui! Hahaha. Bah, next stayback, tani aga diurang ah. Cana? Bukan kelaie (Tau ku ni, pekelaie-an ni kamu ah :P) Cakap saja.. Gila, malu skulah bah ni yo!

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