Sunday 24 January 2010

Transfer Window starts!

Umm, start of the year means start of the football season for us Ivalice. Which means, transfer market's open! Next transfer window will be on July (Summer.) Chewah! Macam top flight football saja. Pui! HAHAHA! Bah, without further ado, here I present the possible signing for this year.

Possible Signings:
Zainul Yassin (Goalkeeper)
Isyraq Khan (Goalkeeper)
Faiz Resma :P (Forward)

Some quality players there. It's you guys punya choice. Again, once you made up your mind, consult any one of us 3 captains and we'll discuss this with each other and come up with a suitable signing. We want an all-around player like Faiz and Isyraq pulang. But I'd prefer Faiz because I need to ease our problems in the flank (side) areas. And he's a top quality player, with him in Ivalice, he'll make a huge impact on the scoresheet. But it's your choice, that's just my suggestion. OK? Bah.

P/s: I know we have a full-house but it's not always everyone who comes to the matches (Which I totally understand. Aku bukan ucap yang inda selalu datang atu ni. Im just saying.. ok? No need to worry.) So I need some reinforcements.
Pp/s: WHY DONT WE GIVE THEM A TRIAL? Whichever yang shines brightest, we'll sign him. Cana? ;) 

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