Saturday 16 January 2010

Genesis match report.

We started playing at 2 because Genesis were playing Dom and VillaReds in the first hour. We started out without any keeper as they all have classes. So Haneef had to fill in as a keeper. He managed to save a few shots but a lot went in tho' :P Ivalice goals in the first half, none! HAHAHA. But we came back with 8 goals (I think )thanks to Farhan, Khalid, (Me)Joe, Syazani, Aisam, Mirul, Afham and Adib but we still lost (By a lot!). I think their score was 15, not sure. We were a bit a lot rusty, so we'd have to work on that. If we had Syazani from the beginning, we could've conceded less but winning? Naah, I dont think so. Them Genesis is a strong team, and they sure proved that to us.

Next match, against VillaOuts on Wednesday, 1-4 pm. Sapek will be the captain for the day, I had my turn tadi udah :) 

For experience, geng. Guarantee pulang kalah ni (Kalah teruk!), but for the love of football, we do it. OK? Wah, gila! DEEP YO! :)

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