Monday 25 January 2010

MA4 Match.

Damn, this match aku inda sampat main! Aku ada class. Udah abis class, abis tia match atu. BAIE! :( Nanti tah, masa Silverines Anniversary Match. But it's on a Tuesday tu. Im discussing with Jason to change it to Thursday. Pasalnya ada yang class tu karang. Ani tarus lah. Anyway, about the match, I dont know ah. Aku inda liat. But according to my trusted teammates,
Nya si Sapek, tani manang by a landslide. But not sure lah. Tani belasah kah? Please give me an info on that please. In the meantime, I'll just post this saja. Kalau ada info baru, aku update this post. Orait. Great job guys, and special thanks to Isyraq for filling in as our goalkeeper.

Ada chance kami sign kau ni, Sraq! :P

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