Sunday 24 January 2010

New Ivalice rules.

Effective immediately, we're implementing new rules regarding ways of play.
Macam cara sub and all. Supaya nada yang marah and inda ampit main. Ok, here it is. Everytime tani ada match, those yang main awal-awal will be decided according to the player's ability. Macam if ia mau main berabis kah. Or ia fit to play with no injuries kah. Or luan semangat kah. Ah, ia tah main dulu. But inda semestinya selalu like that. Ada kami captains tentukan dulu tu. Dont worry, our judgement will be fair and beneficial to all. And I dont want anymore of ex-8P teams kah. Macam yang Ivalice Uno always do. Give your teammates a chance to play, ok? Supaya nada harsh feelings terpendam di jiwa masing-masing. DEEP BRO! haha. Oh, here's an important one, once a player scores a goal, he'll be substituted to allow others to play. Because, lets face it, he scored, mesti puas udah kan? Bagi chance to the others. But buleh masuk lagi after that. Jangan jua kamu inda scorekan goals ah, atu ku payuk kamu karang! Nada deh :P. Bah, atu saja. And I'll introduce new rules gradually in time. And btw, if we have to, we captains have no problem being on the bench dulu to allow you guys to play. So, no worries about that either.

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