Wednesday 27 January 2010

MS Year 9s vs. MS Form 5s match report.

The day was fucking hot, the ground was fucking hot and dry and hard. And we lost, yeay! Hahaha.

Im not sure about their score but we found the back of the net twice courtesy of Farhamid and Faiz. Walaupun geng, adeh :P

Banyak yang injured, banyak main 'bagus', banyak yang disappointed but what the hell, it's all for our experience anyway. We have to take on the seniors with pride, walaupun in the end, hilang pride atu. HAHAHA! Jangan takut.

Bah, nanti lagi. Kalau kamu masih lapar, aku buleh bagitau them Outsyders tani lawan durang padang next Wednesday. But not sure lah. Bah, atu saja.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Year 9 vs. Form 5s.

Isuk, Wednesday, 27/01/2010. There will be a match between the Form 5s and us Year 9s at MS Football Field. 2-5.30 but main around 3 tu. Bagitau durang Silverines jua pasalnya ku takut tani inda cukup urang. Please be there, ok? Sorry, last minute. But i've told you jua udah tadi kan. Bah, datang!

Monday 25 January 2010

MA4 Match.

Damn, this match aku inda sampat main! Aku ada class. Udah abis class, abis tia match atu. BAIE! :( Nanti tah, masa Silverines Anniversary Match. But it's on a Tuesday tu. Im discussing with Jason to change it to Thursday. Pasalnya ada yang class tu karang. Ani tarus lah. Anyway, about the match, I dont know ah. Aku inda liat. But according to my trusted teammates,
Nya si Sapek, tani manang by a landslide. But not sure lah. Tani belasah kah? Please give me an info on that please. In the meantime, I'll just post this saja. Kalau ada info baru, aku update this post. Orait. Great job guys, and special thanks to Isyraq for filling in as our goalkeeper.

Ada chance kami sign kau ni, Sraq! :P

Sunday 24 January 2010

Baju 2010.

Ok, here's the details on the 2010 jersey.

Arah Gills Sport $25, and arah Kashful $23. Package including name, number, socks, free ball and matching pants (Bukan sluar ali2 yang macam mesatu.) Logo macam last year tapi murah sikit lah. Aku buat arah kadai aunty ku. Yang besasah pebaik, inda mau hilang ah. $2 harganya (Family discount :P) but aku minta $3 lah. Upah seringgit.

I'm planning on buying from Gills ni pasal di sana wider range of choices compared to that of Kashful. and the jersey's better looking at Gills. So total is $28 each person. Yang Edward, Khai, Faizul and Alif buatkan jua kah? Pasalnya, aku inda tau cana kan kurik duit dari dorang xD hahaha. So tani buat for tani dulu lah.

TOTAL: $28 x 22 = $616

So, I should have $616 by end of February, jangan nada ah. And someone please contact si Hazeeq, and tell him about this jersey thinggy. Orait~

2010 Jersey!

YO YO YO, bila kamu mau buat the away jersey? Early, mid or end of February? Pasalnya, maybe ada yang belum ada the cash with him right now, so maybe kan collect kah apakah. So, cana? Dont worry, we wont force you. Kalau masih alum ada duit, jangan tah dulu di buat. Ganya, mau jua baju baru kan?


So, baiktah tani buat baju 2010 sebelum sorang2 betelanjang main bula. Galak rasanya jua tu. Chicas ada banyak betimbun di skulah meliat. Ish Ish Ish. Bah, cana?

About the colours, we narrowed it down to 3 udah. Lime green, Maroon and Pink. Yes, im not kidding, PINK! Hahaha. Make your choice now!

New Team In Town!

There's a new team in school called AGFC. Short for Afro Gunzo FC. An MA4 team. I was thinking of challenging them but not in the next week. Maybe mid-February catu. Cana? Saja bah, buang boring :) To gain experience jua kan? haha.


Bah, have you guys decided yet, siapa yang kan tani sign?

Zainul or

New Ivalice rules.

Effective immediately, we're implementing new rules regarding ways of play.
Macam cara sub and all. Supaya nada yang marah and inda ampit main. Ok, here it is. Everytime tani ada match, those yang main awal-awal will be decided according to the player's ability. Macam if ia mau main berabis kah. Or ia fit to play with no injuries kah. Or luan semangat kah. Ah, ia tah main dulu. But inda semestinya selalu like that. Ada kami captains tentukan dulu tu. Dont worry, our judgement will be fair and beneficial to all. And I dont want anymore of ex-8P teams kah. Macam yang Ivalice Uno always do. Give your teammates a chance to play, ok? Supaya nada harsh feelings terpendam di jiwa masing-masing. DEEP BRO! haha. Oh, here's an important one, once a player scores a goal, he'll be substituted to allow others to play. Because, lets face it, he scored, mesti puas udah kan? Bagi chance to the others. But buleh masuk lagi after that. Jangan jua kamu inda scorekan goals ah, atu ku payuk kamu karang! Nada deh :P. Bah, atu saja. And I'll introduce new rules gradually in time. And btw, if we have to, we captains have no problem being on the bench dulu to allow you guys to play. So, no worries about that either.

Transfer Window starts!

Umm, start of the year means start of the football season for us Ivalice. Which means, transfer market's open! Next transfer window will be on July (Summer.) Chewah! Macam top flight football saja. Pui! HAHAHA! Bah, without further ado, here I present the possible signing for this year.

Possible Signings:
Zainul Yassin (Goalkeeper)
Isyraq Khan (Goalkeeper)
Faiz Resma :P (Forward)

Some quality players there. It's you guys punya choice. Again, once you made up your mind, consult any one of us 3 captains and we'll discuss this with each other and come up with a suitable signing. We want an all-around player like Faiz and Isyraq pulang. But I'd prefer Faiz because I need to ease our problems in the flank (side) areas. And he's a top quality player, with him in Ivalice, he'll make a huge impact on the scoresheet. But it's your choice, that's just my suggestion. OK? Bah.

P/s: I know we have a full-house but it's not always everyone who comes to the matches (Which I totally understand. Aku bukan ucap yang inda selalu datang atu ni. Im just saying.. ok? No need to worry.) So I need some reinforcements.
Pp/s: WHY DONT WE GIVE THEM A TRIAL? Whichever yang shines brightest, we'll sign him. Cana? ;) 

Next Match!

Opponent: Entah eh, team MA4.
Time: 1-4pm
Date: 25th January 2010
Venue: MS futsal Field
What to bring: Futsal Shoes, Jerseys.

Aku main satu jam ganya tu. 3pm onwards. Aku ada class. Dont worry, aku inda bawa si Khalid ni. So everyone datang, ok? Please ah. Apa jua ganya tani main ani, then no football match until Sunday. OK? Bah, ciao.

Friday 22 January 2010

Nike Football+


To those who have iPhones or iPod Touch, i recommend you guys download this app! 
It's called Master Accuracy (T90 Laser 3) and Master Control (CTR360).

It contains training programs, video, drills, tips, techniques and EVERYTHING to help you improve your game. Pakai PC pun dapat ni, aga saja Gila yo, siuk berabis ah aku pakai ani!

Unperfect United.

Since tani punya match hari ani dangan durang inda jadi, I suggest tani match dengan durang next Sunday lah. Not Sunday lusa, Sunday next week. 

30th JANUARY 2010!
Di Padang Mata-Mata, patang. 2pm onwards. OK? 

Di skulah lagi aku remind kamu semua. Datang ah! We'll be cowards if tani inda datang. Inda papa tu if kalah, asal datang and we play good. That's all that matters.

Thursday 21 January 2010

MA5U match report.

Thanks to everyone who came. Ani tebalik tepulang, yang datang kelmarin inda datang, yang inda datang kelmarin, datang tia -.- Hahaha. Biar tia lah. 

Ok, match report. The game started out slow for the first 15 mins with no goals but Aisam score the opener just after we went all-in. He scored another 3 goals in the space of 30 mins and Joe scored a goal from far out to make the score, 5-4 in favor of us. And a few minutes before the game ends, another goal was scored by guess who? Aisam jua lagi kan. Top form ia anak ah :P

Hahaha, the game ended 6-4 which marked Ivalice's first win over a senior team for this year! 

Thanks to Syazani, Syafiq Adli, Haneef, Sanusi and Amirul for their assists and a very big thank you to those who did well defending especially AJ and Farhan Emo and again THANKS TO THOSE WHO CAME! This game wraps up our matches this week. We dont have any match invitation for next week so far, but if ada, you'll be the first to hear it. OK?

A wonderful display from Aisam so kudos to him for 5 of the goals, lawa bui! Nanti buat catu lagi ah. Alright.

Wednesday 20 January 2010


Dudes, aku ada plan baru untuk isuk! Let's crash them Silverines punya match! Genesis jangan di kacau, Silverines baru di kacau! Sekati durang ucap tani arah CBox durang ah. Heh, diurang mesatu masuk2 arah tani. Tani masuk2 arah durang. Cana? ;) Balik pukul 4 ah! WOOHOO!

Vilared+Outsyders Match Report.

Before I say anything else, I would like to thank to all those who came AND PLAYED! (us 3 kapitanos, Haneef, Sanusi, Ti, Nazri, Afham, FarhaMid, Adli, Dzul) 
and a big shout-out to Nuts for scoring our only goal which barely made a mark on the scoreline. Frankly, I'm quite disappointed in those who didn't play. Such excuses that I've heard from you guys. At least make an effort to come. Them Vilareds, according to si Beng, banyak jua yang malas kan datang match main, datang jua masih! They went full-gear on us, babes in terms of their numbers. it was like a 3:1 ratio, man! Anyway, next match (excluding the one tomorrow against 5U and on Friday against Unperfect UFC), I want all of you guys to promise me to come. Pfft. A huge disappointment. Anyway, we hold our heads up high and just play better next time. They were a hard team to beat anyway.

And we captains have been thinking of signing a new goalkeeper as a backup to our current GKs. Ani semua bah tiga-tiga inda datang! Kan mati kali. Astee. HAHAHA. anyone in mind? Choices now is: Isyraq and Zainul a.k.a Cloud. Quality keepers but sometimes durang ani sanang jua lasuk. Iatah, big decision to make, short time to think. I want all of you guys to discuss this amongst each other, and tell either one of us 3. Sapek and Adib already agreed on Isyraq but I've not given them the answer yet. We 3 must reach a final decision before announcing it because right now, we have a full house. We wanna sign an all-around GK, who can play an outfield role too. But we'll just need him to be a GK, in the meantime. So, make up your mind. Sign anyone or sign no one at all.


Vs. Form 5's .Thursday(isuk) 1-2pm school

Saturday 16 January 2010

Match reminder.

Next match:

Vs. VillaOuts. Wednesday, 1-4pm. At school.
Vs. Unperfect United. Friday. 3pm onwards. Padang Mata-Mata.

Genesis match report.

We started playing at 2 because Genesis were playing Dom and VillaReds in the first hour. We started out without any keeper as they all have classes. So Haneef had to fill in as a keeper. He managed to save a few shots but a lot went in tho' :P Ivalice goals in the first half, none! HAHAHA. But we came back with 8 goals (I think )thanks to Farhan, Khalid, (Me)Joe, Syazani, Aisam, Mirul, Afham and Adib but we still lost (By a lot!). I think their score was 15, not sure. We were a bit a lot rusty, so we'd have to work on that. If we had Syazani from the beginning, we could've conceded less but winning? Naah, I dont think so. Them Genesis is a strong team, and they sure proved that to us.

Next match, against VillaOuts on Wednesday, 1-4 pm. Sapek will be the captain for the day, I had my turn tadi udah :) 

For experience, geng. Guarantee pulang kalah ni (Kalah teruk!), but for the love of football, we do it. OK? Wah, gila! DEEP YO! :)

Thursday 14 January 2010


On Saturday, mesti score banyak ni ah.
Lawa udah present kami atu kan tadi di Cafeteria ah (Y)
HAHAHA! Bah, may you live a long and wonderful life.
with a larger dick :P

Wednesday 13 January 2010

2nd match for January.

Umm, we're gonna have a match against a team from Menglait Secondary School named Unperfect United FC. One familiar face will be in that team which is Khalid. It'll be next Friday, 22nd January. 3pm onwards. Di Padang Mata-Mata. I hope everyone can make it. ok? Bah, atu saja.


Tuesday 12 January 2010


Guys, on the 2nd of February, them Silverines are hoping to have a match with us sempena their '1st Anniversary'. Kamu mau or not? Aku manasaja. It's on a Tuesday tu btw. If the day clash sama kamu punya timetable, then we'll change it Thursday after CCA, but we have to book early since ramai urang kan pakai tu on that day. Bah, tell either one of us by next week ah. Kami kan bagi answer arah si Jason ni.

P/s: Silverines tau diurang punya formation date. It's 1st of February. Tani, i think end of January bah, but don't know exact datenya. Bila tu ah? BRAINSTORM!

Tut tut tut~

Happy Birthday Amaluddin Dibo!
Awu wah Dib, jangantah menyamal tah tu. Captain ani jua banar eeh.
Longer Life Larger Hog, right? Alright..
Bah, datang ah saturday ah. Play well, everyone else too.
Inda fair eh, urang lain ada begambar. masa aku sama si Nuts b'day,
inda kena  peduli :( Sabar saja.


Monday 11 January 2010


Geng, Thursday inda jadi tu lawan Genesis ah. Pasal si Hamdi Gen salah booking hari -.- Ia booking Wednesday.  So Tukar to SATURDAY! Time: 1-4 pm. Please bring Ivalice jersey, warna putih. Kalau nada, pakai jersey putih apa saja. Alright.. Tarus tani discuss pasal jersey 2010 apa, so I hope kamu semua datang. We just embarked upon an unfamiliar world with lots of seniors so we have to prove ourselves. Prove to them that we can do it. Don't worry, si Amaluddin ku suruh cheerleading tu on that day :P

Friday 8 January 2010

Match invitation.

Tani kana invite main futsal next Thursday against Genesis, 1-4 pm. But main should start around 2pm. Bawa baju Ivalice putih and to those yang nada jersey, pakai jersey putih apa saja, ok? It's after CCA jua tu, so you guys should have already brought along your jerseys. Yang ambil football atu lah. Lapas atu tarus jumpa them MSVs lah. Cana? Maybe yang ada adi arah afternoon session buleh ikut adi kamu balik 5.30 atu lah. Please confirmkan ah. Genesis udah book tu.


YO HOMES! We gotta do some'n bout them MSVs taking our player, si Hazeeq ah. That shit ain't right! I heard they're also trying to take Syazwan away from Genesis, still don't have the confirmation in that tho'. But yeah, we need to do something. Macam si banar lagi tu. Zeeq Sebelas Zeeq Sebelas. Get your own fucking teammate! He's ours. And i think i speak for all MS-ians when i say, STOP USING MS' NAME IN YOUR TEAM'S NAME! ada lagi tu team baru, MS Football Federation. Wah, omaigod! Kalah DPMM ni, bui! Hahaha. Bah, next stayback, tani aga diurang ah. Cana? Bukan kelaie (Tau ku ni, pekelaie-an ni kamu ah :P) Cakap saja.. Gila, malu skulah bah ni yo!

Monday 4 January 2010

Isuk registration.

Yo guys, si Sapek suruh tani Ivalice kumpul di concourse tempat tani biasa ah before masuk audi for registration. Jangan masuk awal2, masuk akhir2. Baru (Y) :P


Paling penting, begunting udah? :P Dapat free haircut kamu karang, tani lagi morning session udah ni.
Patang inda dapat main ni :( Cuba tanya Sir lah if dapat pakai padang basar. 

Saturday 2 January 2010

Ivalice Jersey 2009!

A new year, a fresh start. Let's start with jerseys. Kamu sure about the red Adidas jersey? Pasalnya, i've made bookings udah but alum confirm pulang. So i still need your decision. The design atu, aku saja uruskan. I know what's best for the team. You guys just pick the colour. I was thinking, something like Outsyder's jersey's colour but with different trims. So we'll discuss this matter when school reopens. And I'm also considering changing Roy's number. Because he's also playing as a Defender if Syazani's goalkeeping. So we'll consider changing his squad number. And we're also considering making Syazani as our main goalkeeper, who knows. Just wait for our meeting.. 

|But we captains have discussed about how we're gonna pay, and we've decided to make the collection for the jersey plus logo payments first, then barutah buat jersey. Any leftover of the money (besides the upah for the logo), I will make it as our Ivalice FC 'tabung'. Kalau kan bali bula team or anything, pakai saja duit atu. Siapa mau tambah2 tabung atu, you're very much welcomed |


kamu mau buat team futsal baru? tukarrr. untuk this year. namanya pun tukar. bah cana? macam team 1, aku,mirul, alfred, lukas, nick, farhan, blablabla. ikut class last year lah. so how? what do you guys think? gtau big boooossssss ah. SI JOE CUNG DAMIT. eseh. :p

Most Outstandings 2009 Awards winner!

Most outstanding Captain 09: Sapek Saini :S
Most outstanding Goalkeeper 09: Syazani
Most Outstanding Defender 09: AJ (Alfred Jason)
Most Outstanding Midfielder/Winger 09: Amirul
Most Outstanding Forward 09: Khairuddin


To those who didn't win, it doesn't matter. You and everyone else are still wieners winners in our eyes :P

1st post for 2010!


And Happy 1st Anniversary after Ivalice's formation in January 2009 ;)