Wednesday 30 September 2009


Eh, i think it's time to change our link again. Cause' as usual, spammers banyak lagi..
Seems like our blog  will never stop being a controversy..
Siapa punya psl jua tu?  Aku jua (Joe). Well, at least I admit it..
If aku block diurang arh CBox menyusahkn sja alang2 tukar link..
Hopefully bekurangan jua urg spamming CBox tani..
The new link will be given to you (Ivalice players) in school..
Jangan gtau team lain blog tani, except for Silverines and Fatalis lah.
MSVFC is the one team we can't tell because from where I see, dari sana sja spammers ani dtg (urg2 Year 7).
Tani last year inda jua cemani, beulah brabis..
Macam2 eh.. Palui palui~

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