Monday 28 September 2009

Sorry about the previous post.

I'm sorry for my post below as many of your, our fans, are disgusted by it.
It wasn't meant to insult anyone.
It was just a prank for Ivalice players, and i didn't expect you guys would open it..
Once again, I'm sorry..

To prepare you for the future, if you see a ridiculous link, don't click it if you don't wish to see "T90 Spin" or any other materials that falls into the explicit group.

FYI, most of Ivalice's players are dirty-minded. Don't blame us because we were born that way and some got that "gift" as they reached puberty and some were unlucky students of Dibo and myself,Joe whom btw, are the horniest dudes in Yr 8.

But kami kurang horny sudah, since exams are just around the corner and kami inda mau ketulahan. Payah lagi ni SPE and SSSRU ani.

And once more, I'm sorry for that eye-sore. But i think c Amaluddin kesiukan tu, psl sejenis dgn ia.. Bakal sja ia inda tau blog tani yg baru ani..

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