Thursday 3 September 2009

Rumours about Z.I. and possible signings..

So we just heard from c Batur that Z.I. this year will be a football tournament and not futsal.
And because of that I think we should sign one more player since we only have 21 players from MS. If one team sja, telampau ramai and if two teams, inda cukup so I think we should sign one more player. The players I have in mind is Ti Zhi Yuan and Mirza. But to sign Mirza, payah tu because MSVFC inda mau melapaskan kali tu. I think Ti is the most suitable choice because most of us biasa main sama ia and he's familiar with our game because ia P.E sama 3/4 of Ivalice's players. I think Jonathan will probably release him to us and i think Ti will also want to join Ivalice since in Blackout,he's rarely offered a first-team start. So cemana, mau? If yes, baikth laju2 since Silverines also mau sign him. We have the advantage because we have managed Blackout in the past. But we cannot guarantee a signing 100% because it depends on which team Ti wants to choose. To Silverines, jangan marah. Kami andang dari dulu observe c Ti and has been considering signing him dari RM udah..

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