Saturday 12 September 2009

Here's an idea..

I was thinking.. Should we make our red jersey (pending for completion..) as our home kit and our white jersey as our away kit? Because 1/4 of our players inda tedapat baju putih ah. Yang new signings.. But yang merah ani semua ampit, so cemana? Mau?
As always, drop your comment on the CBox.

Btw, if kami kn ada match dgn MSVFC, mesti pakai putih ni. Cos durang merah jua ni home kit durang..

The jersey is due for completion 2 weeks after raya because right now, baru be-order baju atu and balum sampai. And buat logo and there's gonna be a parody of ManUtd's AIG logo in front of our jersey.. Instead of AIG, we'll put IFC. And there will be the name IVALICE on the back collar. The total should be around $25. Maybe aku (Joe) bayarkn half of the logo payments.

P/s: Kumpul2 th duit raya. Most of you ku liat full puasa so kana bagi tu duit uleh parents kamu first day raya. Except for c Adib lah kali, ia memblow siang mesatu. Kedapatan kali :P

- JOE #99

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