Wednesday 30 September 2009


Eh, i think it's time to change our link again. Cause' as usual, spammers banyak lagi..
Seems like our blog  will never stop being a controversy..
Siapa punya psl jua tu?  Aku jua (Joe). Well, at least I admit it..
If aku block diurang arh CBox menyusahkn sja alang2 tukar link..
Hopefully bekurangan jua urg spamming CBox tani..
The new link will be given to you (Ivalice players) in school..
Jangan gtau team lain blog tani, except for Silverines and Fatalis lah.
MSVFC is the one team we can't tell because from where I see, dari sana sja spammers ani dtg (urg2 Year 7).
Tani last year inda jua cemani, beulah brabis..
Macam2 eh.. Palui palui~

Monday 28 September 2009

Sorry about the previous post.

I'm sorry for my post below as many of your, our fans, are disgusted by it.
It wasn't meant to insult anyone.
It was just a prank for Ivalice players, and i didn't expect you guys would open it..
Once again, I'm sorry..

To prepare you for the future, if you see a ridiculous link, don't click it if you don't wish to see "T90 Spin" or any other materials that falls into the explicit group.

FYI, most of Ivalice's players are dirty-minded. Don't blame us because we were born that way and some got that "gift" as they reached puberty and some were unlucky students of Dibo and myself,Joe whom btw, are the horniest dudes in Yr 8.

But kami kurang horny sudah, since exams are just around the corner and kami inda mau ketulahan. Payah lagi ni SPE and SSSRU ani.

And once more, I'm sorry for that eye-sore. But i think c Amaluddin kesiukan tu, psl sejenis dgn ia.. Bakal sja ia inda tau blog tani yg baru ani..

Saturday 26 September 2009

Check this out!

Check this website out..
Rugged brabis stupurnya..

It's blow your mind! Liat banar2.. It's due for release in December..

Here's the link!
"You spin me right round baby, right round!"

Mr. Supercock speaking.

Attention lil' bitches(HAHAHA),
 To all yg kn open house atu, jgn lupa invite2 ivalice.
Mau jua merasa merusakkan rumah kamu...
Rumah ku udah rusak uleh diurang Sapek, Nazri, Nick, Syafiq Adli, FarDon sma c Jul.
Menapau barang ku lagi tu. Aii~
But inda papa, asl datang.. Bukan mcm kamu :P
Hehe, nadawah.. Bh, yg kn open house atu, buat post sini..
Email and password minta arh ku kalau lupa..

Thursday 24 September 2009

Open house ku (Joe)

Date: 25th September 2009 (5th Syawal)
Time: 2pm-9pm (But kamu datang around 3.30 lah and balik manasja but i recommend kamu datang and balik smua sama because krg ada yg inda betamu..)
Address: No 1, Spg 51-36-15, Jln Menglait, Gadong
House description: Atas bukit, Atap maroon, Warna pink..
Tlipun my number, 8903900 kalau sasat..

p/s: Lapas kamu lintas skulah menglait, jalan straight sja.. Jgn masuk ke kanan because jalan kanan atu bukan Spg 51 despite what the label says.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

I need a confirmation..

Yo,listen up.
 I know you guys wanted me to have an open house just for Ivalice but the problem is, my parents thinks it's too much work. So I'm thinking of inviting you guys to my overall open house on Friday where lots of my family members and family friends is expected to come.

I can only invite you guys and give you the address if banyak yang datang.. I also suggest you guys all datang at the same time, because if lain2, payah jua tu... Indakn sorang2. Mau jua tarus semua.. So cemana? Ask your parents first..

My open house is 2-9 pulang but what if you guys come at around 3.30? All of you guys.. Then balik at 6. So confirmkn siapa yg dapat dtg..
The reason why I want you to come all at once is because on that day, ramai urg ni. Banyak family friends and family friends.. Karang inda telayan kamu. Kamu jua yg karang malu2 tu.. And if possible, yg datang ani kamu saja.. Jgn sekampung, krg inda ku telayan family kamu..



Monday 21 September 2009

mau lawan futsal lapas exam?

cousin ku, kan belawan ia sama team tani. nama team nya stweet. hm, mari ku cerita sedikit, team ani team dari sekulah smsab pulang, urang form 5, usul macam anak indon, apa lagi cousin ku, hitam hantapp. durang last year kalahkan JIS. oh my god, JIS kah? atu gila. handal nyamu bisia ani. kaki bula. tapi durang kalah uleh sekulah sukan. apa?! kalah?! kan lawan team kami. adiih. team kami lagi buruk. tapi kami berusaha mencapai kejayaan! apaan.
durang kan lawan tani di kebajika. futsal. kalau padang, sesiapun tah. abis tani.

-bah sorry. aku post pakai mobile. payah sikit ni. and if kamu mau belawan, buat saja arah cbox. chao.



Although he's not in Ivalice, he's still a very close friend of most of us..
He's widely know for his solo runs which is frequently converted into a bad finish :P
He's also known for his LG trademark (kami saja tau apa ertinya :D)
I could go on and on about his bad taste in fashion where he tries to imitate the Jonas Brothers but ends up looking poklen-ish..
Do i need to say more? HAHAHA
Anyway,Happy B'day and Happy Eid to you,bro..

-Your not-gay friends


#22, you amaze us with your wonderful saves and defending! All the best during this exam year and best of luck in life! As the Outs would say it, Long Life Cheap Foods :D Jangan lupa lanja nanti udah school reopens.. Keep up with the hydraulic actions,matey!

-Your Gay Teammates

Sunday 20 September 2009

Aku pun sedih (Ceramah Imam Joe)

I just wanna say, sayu rasanya kedangaran suara takbir menandakan ketibaan syawal.. bukan kerana tidak mahu syawal tetapi kerana berasa dalam kerugian kerana apabila ramadhan tahun ini, banyak hajat untuk beibadat sepenuhnya tidak kesampaian..

Sudah tah ganjaran berlipat ganda tapi diabai-abaikan. Sedih rasanya. Tapi itulah lumrah hidup di dunia ini, semua ibadat belum mencukupi, kita harus merebut semua peluang.. Jangan berpuas hati dengan amal ibadat ketani masa ani.. Balum cukup tu yo!

10 malam terakhir ramadan sepatutnya mencari Lailatul Qadr.. Bukan Lailatul Kadai!

Tadi, aku bejalan d yayasan, ada ku nampak urg ani, besigup.. Tarang2 melayu, udah d tagur uleh my dad sanggup menukar bangsa dan ugama kerana tidak mahu berpuasa atas alasan hari terakhir puasa..  Cakapnya urg Philippine.. Sepatutnya rebutlah peluang hari terakhir ini, berpuasa sepenuh hati dan membuat perkara yg berkebajikan..

Pada hari raya ani, jangan lupakan amal ibadat (majal, but true :P) Makan mengikut kesanggupan masing2, jangan dipaksa..

Kita beraya bukan kerana duit raya tapi utk mengeratkan tali silaturrahim (Unlike urg dbawah atu, puasa utk duit!) Ingatlah pada yg Maha Esa, walau banyak kek tapak kuda, ingatlah daratan..

Dengan ini, saya akhiri ceramah saya, Imam Joe, dengan sekerat pantun:

Di hari bahagia ini,
Ku susun sepuluh jari,
Memohon ampun kesana kemari,
Sudilah menerima taubat ku ini..

Sekian, Wabillahi Taufik Walhidayah Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh..

p/s: I'm testing my malay for SPE. Cana? Ok kh? takut ku fail Malay wah.. Tau tah aku ani urg putih :P..
pp/s: Happy Birthday to gay bro, Khalid!

menangis ku.. puasa nada lagi.. )':

last puasaa...
esuk kana bagi duit pasal puasa full. siapa kana bagi? bah simpan bisai bisai. masuk kan ke tabung. before aku yang manabung kamu.. siapa inda puasa atu memalukan tu. hmm, kan main badil, hujan tia jua. karang main di dalam rumah, inda paedah paedah kana ambat pakai tali pinggang . iatah bari malas ni. paksa  tah ku duduk dapan tv mendangar takbir.

urang bawah ani pun mempost rupanya. asi asi jua banar. tampar krg eh. esuk,, pagi pagi, bangun awal, ke masjid. ikut be takbir. eyy, alim aku ani. tapi banar pulang ku mau betakbir. suka ku. bah dengan titisan air mata ku.. hingga ke hujung kaki.. selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf luar dan dalam. and inda ku lupa kawan ku, si khalid, happy birthday babe! kau cute! hak pui. haha. :D

Saturday 19 September 2009

Joe here!

The moon is late as usual. Inda mau kluar2 anaknya. So raya is on monday and school will reopen next two weeks. Which means SPE will be in 3-4 weeks. I hope kamu semua revise udah because i don't want Ivalice ani bepacah since anyone yg dapat below 70 for the core subject and below 60 for the non-core subject will get kicked out of MS. Payah ni yo! Trials udah kepisan sorang2..

Jangan tah di fikirkn pasal Year 8 Cup and Z.I atu dulu because education's more important. Believe me, you'll need all the focus you can get. Lapas exam SPE, gembira tah.. But to us yg SSSRU, jgn gembira banar. Satu exam lagi alum lapas. Bulan 12 krg minum2 th tani tu. Aku membawa dari Limbang..

About raya, kalau aku open house, siapa yg confirm dtg? Psl kalau sikit saja, inda ku jadi buat open house ni utk kmu.. Btw, aku planning kn open house ani on Friday, 5th Syawal. Gtau aku sapa yg confirm dtg arh my MSN & facebook or CBox.

p/s: Blog tani ani usulnya kana recycle sja postnya.. CNN tani ani eh. HAHAHA
pp/s: Baju tani kan datang udah. So if dapat, buka skulah, tarus bagi aku $25..
ppp/s: Aku maybe perform msa raya celebration ni, so jangan di boo!

-Joe Sarudin

Thursday 17 September 2009

Z.I confirm masuk ni~

As you may read from the title, Ivalice players will join this year's Z.I ni because it will be held early November which is before SSSRU. Since most of you udah revision for the SSSRU, so it will be a relaxing moment for you before exam day and it will also be a relaxing moment to all of us yang SPE (except Hazeeq and Arif), because abis exam!
And also, this year's Z.I will still be futsal so the three teams will be maintained.

Squad line-up for Z.I: 
Nick TCH
Farhan Midon
Syafiq Adli
Dzul Bahrin
Syafiq Saini
Farhan Emo
Ti Zhi Yuan

P/s: I transferred Nicky into Dos and I've placed Ti in Tres, Dzul in Uno and Afham in Dos. Everyone ok with this? Because playmakers are spread evenly among the three teams and Dos needs one more defender. Formations will be determined by the captains.

PP/s: Tres' formation is 2-1-1 with me being the only forward..


Saturday 12 September 2009

Here's an idea..

I was thinking.. Should we make our red jersey (pending for completion..) as our home kit and our white jersey as our away kit? Because 1/4 of our players inda tedapat baju putih ah. Yang new signings.. But yang merah ani semua ampit, so cemana? Mau?
As always, drop your comment on the CBox.

Btw, if kami kn ada match dgn MSVFC, mesti pakai putih ni. Cos durang merah jua ni home kit durang..

The jersey is due for completion 2 weeks after raya because right now, baru be-order baju atu and balum sampai. And buat logo and there's gonna be a parody of ManUtd's AIG logo in front of our jersey.. Instead of AIG, we'll put IFC. And there will be the name IVALICE on the back collar. The total should be around $25. Maybe aku (Joe) bayarkn half of the logo payments.

P/s: Kumpul2 th duit raya. Most of you ku liat full puasa so kana bagi tu duit uleh parents kamu first day raya. Except for c Adib lah kali, ia memblow siang mesatu. Kedapatan kali :P

- JOE #99

Tuesday 8 September 2009

New signing.

Ivalice's Tres captain, Joe has made an agreement with Blackout's captain, Jonathan to sign Ti to Ivalice.  "If you guys want him, and he wants to be in Ivalice, then my hands are tied" said Jonathan during the meeting. Ti on the other hand is happy to be in Ivalice and we wish he enjoys being here. He's one of us now! He'll be fielded as a winger alongside our goal machines. And to Jon, we hope you guys at Blackout can adapt without Ti and we wish you luck on finding a suitable replacement for Ti at Blackout. If you want we could do a scouting for you.. Ti's number will be determined in the near future.
-El Kapitano 

Friday 4 September 2009

Transfer News.

Seems like we have reached an agreement with Jonathan, the owner of Blackout on the transfer of their winger, Ti Zhi Yuan. But Ti will not be released until they have a suitable replacement for him at Blackout. The only catch is that he won't be released to us unless Jon finds a suitable replacement for him. So we would have to find a new player. Lets just cross our fingers and hope that it won't happen.
-El Kapitano

Thursday 3 September 2009

Rumours about Z.I. and possible signings..

So we just heard from c Batur that Z.I. this year will be a football tournament and not futsal.
And because of that I think we should sign one more player since we only have 21 players from MS. If one team sja, telampau ramai and if two teams, inda cukup so I think we should sign one more player. The players I have in mind is Ti Zhi Yuan and Mirza. But to sign Mirza, payah tu because MSVFC inda mau melapaskan kali tu. I think Ti is the most suitable choice because most of us biasa main sama ia and he's familiar with our game because ia P.E sama 3/4 of Ivalice's players. I think Jonathan will probably release him to us and i think Ti will also want to join Ivalice since in Blackout,he's rarely offered a first-team start. So cemana, mau? If yes, baikth laju2 since Silverines also mau sign him. We have the advantage because we have managed Blackout in the past. But we cannot guarantee a signing 100% because it depends on which team Ti wants to choose. To Silverines, jangan marah. Kami andang dari dulu observe c Ti and has been considering signing him dari RM udah..

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Welcoming Back Our Player

Yo geng, i want to inform the team that Edward is back on the team. Aku harap kamu ok2 saja sama ea. Jan tah ada yg bemusuhan sama bedendam a2. Kisah yg lalu a2, biar dijadikan sejarah (eseh!!) Xp so, jan tah diungkit, diharap dapat memberi kerjasama, ya tuan2? :p

Once again welcome back Edward (mun kamu ada masalah sama ea, gtau ja, jan ucp2)

bh, yo a2 ja, gudluck in any upcoming matches, hope we can play well in the matches..
