Sunday 22 November 2009


If you fans are still slow and wondering where we went, we're currently having our SSSRU exams. And it's a bitch!
So we decided to be on hiatus until we finish our exams. 27th, and we'll be free as a bird. Until then, it's torture time!

Ok, main reason for this post was to inform you Ivalices about 3 things:

1) I've signed up our team to compete in the SAS Tournament.  29th-5th.
Schedule still pending and the venue is still to be confirmed.

2) On the 30th, tani ada match against PDS and SMJA. This is actually a U-15 thing. But since most of Ivalice ani U-15 futsal MS, so alang2 semua lah. Plus, biasakan lah for next year. If all goes right, and we were to stay in MS, we could be in the U-15. Who knows...

3) Our manager, Azizan have planned training sessions for us from the 23rd - 26th, 28th and 30th of November. From 7.30 to 10 a.m. Di Kebajikan, ia udah booking. But since tani exam and 28th atu Hari Raya Haji and 30th atu si Zizan inda dapat, so inda jadi lah. Which made me think, why did i tell you this in the first place? xD

P/s: How's SSSRU so far? It's been hell for me, seriously! Payah berabis ah.

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