Thursday 26 November 2009

Im begging you!

Guys, can you please come?
Please, im begging you!
I'm serious, man!
Aku payah-payah masukkan nama tani but kamu inda mau dtg.

Aku faham to those yang kan retest but even so, if you can make it, please come!
Mental ku ni, karang tani yang malu bah.

Yang confirm:
Aku, Sapek, Hazeeq, Edward, Alif, Mirul, Roy ganya. 

But ani pun alum tantu ni. So cemana? Please ah.
If pasal bayar atu, no problem. Aku buleh tolong bayarkan dulu.
But jangan kamu ambil advantage, semua tia minta bayarkan.

Again, PLEASE!
I've put so much effort in this team, but you guys disappoint me always by not coming.
Kan ke KB tia, apalah. Apa salahnya sekali ani ganya. huh?

This could be Ivalice's last match together :'(
Mental ku brabis ni! ok, so datang ah.

8-10 am. Padang mata-mata.
But please come earlier, around 7.30 catu. For warming up and settling down purposes.

This is not funny! You guys are probably laughing your ass off, but im serious!

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