Friday 13 November 2009


The dudes at SAS is conducting a football tournament masa cuti. You guys mau ikut? Actually, we've been invited awal sudah but i didnt have the time to post it up. Their (SAS FC) player, Naim also asked me to be one of the organizers. It's gonna be a big hit since banyak teams from numerous schools is expected to compete. Our neighbour, Silverines have also been invited but they haven't give any answer yet.

Tournament info:

Date: 29th November- 5th December
Venue: Not confirmed yet.
Entrance fee: $25
Type: Football, 90 mins.
System: Knockout.
Prize: Cash prize $$$

I know what you guys are probably thinking, "Di Pdg Pusar Ulak ni eh!" 
Well, Naim and I have discussed about it, and surely inda arh Pusar Ulak tu.
Maybe Kebajikan. or maybe another unsuspected venue.. Liat saja.

So drop your message on the CBox stating kamu agree kah inda. Aku kan give him the answer ni. Jangan batah2.

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