Friday 13 November 2009

Holiday matches.

Our SSSRU exam's coming soon but in the bright side, our end of year holiday's coming too, only later xD apakan..

It's gonna be a long one so i bet you guys mana mau duduk diam dirumah ni. I suggest tani main bola! HAHA pernahkn tani inda main bula masa cuti?

So here's a list of teams which i've picked out to be challenged:
SUFC (Long-awaited match..)
MS Villa FC
Silverines FC
Pride Football Club
Randomization FC
SAS FC (Lagi..)
Cobra FC (SAS Form 4s..)
Courage FC (SAS Year 7s..)
Fatalis FC (Also long-awaited)

Choose which one's you'd like to challenge and i'll tell them A.S.A.P. But eventually semua jua ni yang tani challenge. I'll set up the date nanti. Hopefully before and after the tournament. We'll be facing some of them jua ni in the tournament since they're also joining. So yeah..

P/s: In case you're wondering why is there many SAS teams in there, it's because most of them are my ex-schoolmates. Im an ex-SAS. So i want to test them. Saja2, bukan jua tani handal.. For experience jua kan.

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