Friday 6 November 2009

Semi-Finals of the Year 8 Cup!

To all Ivalice Dos and Ivalice Tres:

Ok, change of plans. The semi-finals will not be held on Saturday, 7/10/09 at school instead it will be held on Sunday, 8/10/09 at Kebajikan from 2-4pm.

Fans' attendance is very much appreciated.

Changes in rules will also be made. In terms of time, the matches is 20 mins so 10 mins each half. 5 mins break will be given. Number of matches is 4 which is the semi-finals(2 matches), the final and the 3rd place placing.

Players are advised to wear full jersey to those who own one. And shin guards is a must since our players are injury prone.

Even though it starts at 2 but please come at 1 so that we can settle down and the event will go on smoothly. Tell the Silverines and your teammates.


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