Tuesday 27 October 2009

Year 8 Cup.

Guys, we'll finally have the Year 8 Cup!

It'll be held starting Saturday afternoon until the next week. We'll try to finish the cup as quickly as usual since banyak yg mock ugama masa pagi. Take note that all matches will be played in the afternoon starting 2.30 pm to 5.30pm. We start a bit late to let sky shade a bit..

Ok, format of the cup. 
15 MINS PER MATCH. 7 mins and 30 secs per half. NO HALF TIME! Just switching of sides..
Rolling substitution but should a team fields more than 5 players e.g. a player comes on before the substituted player steps over the side line, the coming on player will be given a yellow card. A yellow card will remain on a player for 2 matches and after that he's clean. If he gets a red card, he's suspended for a match.

Game format: Round robin followed by knockouts. Here's the explanation: The cup starts with every team playing all teams. As usual, a win is worth 3 points while a draw is worth 1 point. The losing team gets no point. Then after the round is done, the highest four teams is drawn into the semi-finals. The winning teams will battle it out for 1st and 2nd place while the losing teams battle it out for 3rd place..

Here's the catch, if a team has not enough players, the absent players can be substituted for the match by two person only. For example, let's say Ivalice Uno only have 3 players, then any two of the other teams can fill in the empty spots. However, if they have less than 3 players, it will result in the team to be "walked-over" which means its an automatic win for the opposing team.

A little side note, all names will be written down so there will be no cheating..
There will be no prize, only pride which is sweeter than anything in the football biz.
If you have a problem with this, then why do you even wanna play in it? No pain no gain, amigo!

About who'll be refereeing the matches, we've worked it out this way.. Let's say one team from Ivalice and Silverines are playing then the referee will be from Fatalis. Just to be fair..
If Silverines and Fatalis are playing, then one player from Ivalice will become referee..
Get it? ok..

Once you're in it, no quitting.. If you quit, then your team will have to handle a ton of shame.


oh yeah, about the equipments like balls, whistle and cards. We're hoping Zul Ibnu can provide them..
So kamu pujuk2 lah ia. xD

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