Saturday 31 October 2009

Reports on the Year 8 Cup!

We didn't know mesti have permission for everything macam kn pakai jersey and everything.
So we had to suffer 30 mins of ceramah from Sir Izam. Me, Sapek and Jason had to take the blame because all the other 5 captains penakut! Gila eh, ok back to the Cup..

All of us managed to take home 3 points after 1 win and 1 defeat. But only Dos and Tres will proceed to the semi-finals by goal difference. Silverines Viends is the only team that managed to bring home the whole 6 points.

The matches for the semi-finals have been drawn tadi, so here it is:
 Ivalice Dos Vs. Silverines Deux
Ivalice Tres Vs. Silverines Viends

We'll be facing a very tough challenge so just hope for the best!

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