Tuesday 6 October 2009

First Match Vs. Silverines!

I'm sure you guys know Silverines FC since they're our friendly rival.
Recently they managed to beat Fatalis 4-2.
Now, guess what! We're gonna set up a match between Ivalice and Silverines!
Since our last permission to use the field was denied due to H1N1 fears, we're gonna try a different tactic to convince the principal to grant us the permission.
Jason (SFC) and I have discussed about our tactics and we're just gonna do a simple one like telling the principal that this is our last chance to play football to relieve stress since exam's in less that 2 weeks (Damn, is that right?!)
So cross your fingers and hope that we can use the field. If we get the permission, then first time tah tani urg2 ivalice players merasa main on the field "officially". If not, then we'll just have to pick between these 2 free of charge fields : Pusar Ulak (Rocky) and Mata - Mata (Sand).

The suggested time and date is on Friday, 9/10/2009 at 2.30pm - 5.30pm.
Rolling substitution tu mcm biasa. 
Referee: To be decided..

Btw, if you cant make it on Friday due to any reason, please do write on the CBox so that Jason and I can arrange another date or time.
If the reason is psl no transport, have no fear. Just consult me in school then dpt sruh urg lain menyinggahkn.

That'll be all.

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