Saturday 31 October 2009

Reports on the Year 8 Cup!

We didn't know mesti have permission for everything macam kn pakai jersey and everything.
So we had to suffer 30 mins of ceramah from Sir Izam. Me, Sapek and Jason had to take the blame because all the other 5 captains penakut! Gila eh, ok back to the Cup..

All of us managed to take home 3 points after 1 win and 1 defeat. But only Dos and Tres will proceed to the semi-finals by goal difference. Silverines Viends is the only team that managed to bring home the whole 6 points.

The matches for the semi-finals have been drawn tadi, so here it is:
 Ivalice Dos Vs. Silverines Deux
Ivalice Tres Vs. Silverines Viends

We'll be facing a very tough challenge so just hope for the best!

Thursday 29 October 2009


This goes to Ivalice's captains!
 Umm, can you please organize your formation and strategy with your teammates.
Plan your strategy according to your teammates ability.

Here's what I suggest:
Since Ivalice Uno banyak forward, so its best if their strategy is attacking.
Ivalice Dos, is neutral. So manasja kamu.
As for Ivalice Tres. we're gonna play defensive attacking since Viends semua attack.

But up to you guys. Mana saja kamu. Do your best and make our team proud!

Oh btw, there will be awards ni for the Cup namely:
Top Scorer
Best Goalkeeper
Best Defender
Best Attacker (Strikers and Midfielders)
Most Skillful Players.

So try to get all of 'em!

Formation for the Year 8 Cup!

Nick TCH
Farhan Midon
Syafiq Adli

Syafiq Saini
Farhan Emo

Bagitau kan teammates kamu.. Ada yg alum tau ni.. Btw, siapa ada contact si Sanusi? Aku kn message ia ni..

Changes in the cup format!

Listen up everyone!

Every captain of each teams have agreed to change a few things:
Each match consists of 5 mins per half (Total 10 mins per match)
Each teams will play twice and the opponents have been drawn tadi udah..
The semifinals and finals' time will be increased to 10 mins per half (Total 20)
Referee for the match will be Khalid Mahmud..

All rules will still apply except for this few ones..


p/s: This post marks this blog's 100th post!!

Saturday Essentials.

What to bring:
Full Jersey (Long socks optional.)
Futsal Boots
Gloves For Keepers and Shin Guards For Players(Kalau rasanya alum cukup kabal :P)
$5 (Bukan $10, apa jua ganya makanan.. bukannya catering :P)

Year 8 Cup Fixtures!

1. Ivalice Uno vs. Ivalice Dos
2. Ivalice Tres vs Silverines Viends
3. Silverines Deux vs Silverines Drei
4. Fatalis vs FC Nova
5. Silverines Drei vs Ivalice Tres
6. Silverines Viends vs. Ivalice Uno
7. Fatalis vs Silverines Deux
8. Ivalice Dos vs FC Nova


Wednesday 28 October 2009

Next Paper: Maths 2
Time: 10.15-12.15
 Topics to be highlighted:
Pythagoras' Theorem
Solving Simultaneous Equations Using Graphs
Mean, Mode & Median
and etc.

Bah, belajar banar2! kalau stress, iatah gunanya Year 8 Cup tu. Buang stress by channeling it through your feet (Apakan lame xD) Bah, for the time being. Please no football in your minds. Pikirkn th exams dulu..

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Confirmed teams of the Year 8 Cup!

Here's a list of teams confirmed in the Year 8 Cup:
 Ivalice Uno
Ivalice Dos
Ivalice Tres
Silverines Viends
Silverines Drei
Silverines Deux
(Somehow diurang satu team sja masuk ni. Dont ask me, ask them..)
Team si Fadhlee 
(If i'm not mistaken, it's FC NOVA)

Our game is fair play, so we expect the same from all of you guys.

Study Group Cancelled.


Tomorrow's study group inda jadi. Gtau2 urg ah. Krg datang diurang..

Year 8 Cup.

Guys, we'll finally have the Year 8 Cup!

It'll be held starting Saturday afternoon until the next week. We'll try to finish the cup as quickly as usual since banyak yg mock ugama masa pagi. Take note that all matches will be played in the afternoon starting 2.30 pm to 5.30pm. We start a bit late to let sky shade a bit..

Ok, format of the cup. 
15 MINS PER MATCH. 7 mins and 30 secs per half. NO HALF TIME! Just switching of sides..
Rolling substitution but should a team fields more than 5 players e.g. a player comes on before the substituted player steps over the side line, the coming on player will be given a yellow card. A yellow card will remain on a player for 2 matches and after that he's clean. If he gets a red card, he's suspended for a match.

Game format: Round robin followed by knockouts. Here's the explanation: The cup starts with every team playing all teams. As usual, a win is worth 3 points while a draw is worth 1 point. The losing team gets no point. Then after the round is done, the highest four teams is drawn into the semi-finals. The winning teams will battle it out for 1st and 2nd place while the losing teams battle it out for 3rd place..

Here's the catch, if a team has not enough players, the absent players can be substituted for the match by two person only. For example, let's say Ivalice Uno only have 3 players, then any two of the other teams can fill in the empty spots. However, if they have less than 3 players, it will result in the team to be "walked-over" which means its an automatic win for the opposing team.

A little side note, all names will be written down so there will be no cheating..
There will be no prize, only pride which is sweeter than anything in the football biz.
If you have a problem with this, then why do you even wanna play in it? No pain no gain, amigo!

About who'll be refereeing the matches, we've worked it out this way.. Let's say one team from Ivalice and Silverines are playing then the referee will be from Fatalis. Just to be fair..
If Silverines and Fatalis are playing, then one player from Ivalice will become referee..
Get it? ok..

Once you're in it, no quitting.. If you quit, then your team will have to handle a ton of shame.


oh yeah, about the equipments like balls, whistle and cards. We're hoping Zul Ibnu can provide them..
So kamu pujuk2 lah ia. xD

Monday 26 October 2009

Next Paper: Science
Time: 10.15-12.15
 Topics to be highlighted:
Acids, Alkalis and Salt
Current Electricity
Reproduction (Ani hafal udah kamu ni, tau ku xD)
Transport in human being
And more :P

New Preds for 2010!

Guys, check this out!
Ugliest boots ever!
It's the Predator X. Banar2 ni, nada meatspin lagi. HAHAHA
Nada link ni. Photos sja..


I have 4 annoncement here:

First, about the party. Reminder to everyone, please bring at least $10 utk bayar foods and more. For the Saturday party ah. And tani punya opponent on that day will be Silverines and Fatalis. We'll be playing Silverines dulu barutah Fatalis.

Second, about Z.I Cup this year. According to Najib UIC, the Z.I Cup will be held on 23rd November to 26th November. Our SSSRU will be held from 18th November to 26th November and because of that, this year tani inda masuk lah. If the non-ugama Ivalice players wish to join jua, manasja kamu. Kamu dapat masuk tu. Roy, Nick, Nicky, AJ, Amirul, Lukas, Ti, Dzul, Hazeeq and Arif can make two team tu. 5 one team. Uno and Dos lah namanya. Up to you if kamu mau...

Third, about the new jersey. I think its best jangan tah buat dulu cos masa cuti ramai yg inda dpt datang main. Inda kamu dapat collect krg. Kalau kami pigangkn, beilangan karang jua tu.. If buat yg mana dapat dulu, payah jua krg kn membuat lagi. Next year sja awal tahun.. OK?

Fourth, about study group ah. Kamu jadi kh? Psl alum banyak yg confirm ni.. As I said in previous posts, kalau kn belajar di rumah, inda mau masuk tu.. Baiktah di skulah with a perfectly good learning environment (Waseh!). HAHAHA bah.. Confirmkn isuk eh. 




I, Joe on behalf of Ivalice FC would like to wish Nicky a Happy Birthday! Too bad your b'day msa SPE. Don't worry nick, this Saturday's post-exam party will be a double celebration.

Bah, lapas baca ani, blajar th Science ah! Payah tu bro!

Sunday 25 October 2009

Liverpool vs. Man.U match prediction

what a day wonderfull day for a derby match between liverpool and Man.U. Unfortunately most of our players weren't be able to watch the game because of exam.

My prediction for this game is that man.u will win because liverpool needed gerrard, a real captain. While man.u lost Wayne Rooney due to injuries, they have owen as their replacement. With Van Der Sar as man.u's goalkeeper its almost impossible for liverpool to score except when man.u's defence made a mistake. This match is a must win for man.u because they lost two match last season

btw goodluck on history exam!!

Saturday 24 October 2009

SPE Reminder!

Next Paper: History
Time: 10.30-12.30
 Topics to be highlighted:
NDP 1 & 2
Japanese Occupation
All the Sultans
Brooke stuff :P
Written Constitution
And more xD

Bah, atu saja. BELAJAR TAH! Adangth memblow atu!

Study group.


On Wednesday, 28/ 10/2009, tani study leave tu. We have no papers on that day 'cause tani punya on Saturday, before MIB. What do you guys think of having a study group? Because i know you guys inda tebelajar tu di rumah. Di skulah at least buleh belajar sama2. Ivalice yg 8M lagi pro commerce. So cana, mau?
Nada distractions ni. I'm officially announcing that day as NO FOOTBALL DAY!

Probable time: 12.30-5.30. If pagi tau ku nada tebangun ni.
Probable venue: Any empty class.
Dress code: Uniform or baju P.E
Things to bring: Commerce stuff

List of players yg ambil Commerce:

Confirmkn on Monday! Or write arh CBox..

Friday 23 October 2009

To all MS teams..

We're desperately needing an opponent for our "buang stress" futsal afternoon!
So write on our CBox or text any one of our 3 captains A.S.A.P!

Post-SPE party!

Ivalice captains have decided to organize a post-SPE party!
Date: 31/10/2009 and maybe 3/11/2009
Time: After exams - 5.30
Venue: Cafeteria or any unoccupied class
Activities: Futsal, Foods, Class trashing, Booze and more! And also team meeting.
Things to bring: Ivalice kit /Baju P.E (You decide) and kasut futsal. AND $10 (MESTI!)

But before atu, concentrate on your exams. Kalau kamu fail, ku simpang cung kamu ni! :P nadawah!

P/S: To Ivalice players yg YR7 (Hazeeq and Arif), kamu msa party atu EOYs, so kamu inda payah lah.
If kamu mau datang jua, masa kamu punya break lah.
PP/S: Yg party on 3/11/2009 atu balum confirm. If kamu mau, barutah.. 3/11 atu last tani skulah officially psl atu tani membagi balik buku.. We'll decide msa first party atu.. OK?
PPP/S: If fans wish to attend, please bring money too. Kami Ivalice kapih2 ni!

Alright? Chez~

Thursday 22 October 2009

SPE Update!

To keep this blog alive during this SPE, I wanna post up SPE updates.
Here it goes:

Monday, BM1 and 2
Tuesday, Geography
Wednesday, English 1 and 2
Thursday,  IRK

Everything's alright except for IRK, which for me was freaking hard!

Next paper: 
Mathematics Paper 1

Topics to be highlighted:
Phythagoras' theorem
Solving simultaneous equations using graphs
Angles of regular polygons -.-

* Smua ani yang banyak keluar and payah. SO BELAJAR TAH!


SPE, the nightmare we've been preparing for since last year have come.
So far, we've had BM1 and 2, Geo, English 1&2 and IRK.
For me, everything's ok except for the IRK. Payah gila yo!
Bah, all I wanna say is, belajar bisai2. Don't just aim for 60 and 70 above. You guys should aim for the 100% because not only we're capable of doing that, we wanna make everyone proud and ourselves proud as the 1st batch of SPE. 
I don't wanna see anyone failing because we've worked so hard to keep this team alive and I don't want our efforts to die in vain. I'll do my best too. So should you guys.
OK, on another story..
On Saturday, 31/10/09, all 3 Ivalice captains suruh stayback until 5.30.
Activities: Celebration Party
Football (Opponent to be decided)
Team meeting..

Bah, atu saja.

Pikirkan tah exam dulu, party atu batah lagi. Minum2 tah tani tu. Alright~


A black man walks into a cafe one early morning and noticed that he was the only black man there. As he sat down, he noticed a white man behind him.
The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said:
"When I was born I was black,"
"When I grew up I was black,"
"When I'm sick I'm black,"
"When I go in the sun I'm black,"
"When I'm cold I'm black,"
"When I die I'll be black."
"But you sir..."
"When you're born you're pink,"
"When you're sick, you're green,"
"When you go in the sun you turn red,"
"When you're cold you turn blue,"
"And when you die you turn purple."
"And you have the nerve to call me colored"
The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away...

p/s: sja2 mmpost, haha, 

Amirul #94

Friday 9 October 2009


Tomorrow ada match!

Opponent: MS Villa FC
Time: 5.40 p.m. (Give time to clear the field) - 6.15pm.
Bring: Ivalice shirt

To those yg inda ikut bas, your attendance is compulsary.
To those yg ikut bas, you guys buleh dtg and buleh inda dtg. Up to you. Jgn paksa diri. OK?

Tomorrow CCA.

Sir Shahrin told us that tomorrow, during CCA, we'll maybe be using the field. 
So list of things yg kn d bawa:
1. Stupur 
2. Baju bula (Bju Ivalice lah bawa, bisai..)
3. Sluar pendek (Sluar Ivalice)

OK, atu saja..

P/s: To all Ivalice, please post anything nice to liven this blog a bit. Ani c Joe, and Sapek sja mempost. Apalaa~ :P

Thursday 8 October 2009

First announcement:
Both Ivalice and Silverines have reached an agreement to postpone the long-awaited  match till after SPE. Its because many can't make it tomorrow on such short notice and all can't make it next week since in 3 days, SPE udah (Udah study?) 

So that means, our last match before exams would be against MSVilla FC on Saturday, 10/10/09. 5.30-6.15!

Next announcement:

On Saturday, bring your footie boots b'cause CCA will be going on as usual. Sir Shahrin cakap tadi, yg maybe pakai padang. So bwa stupur, extra baju and sluar pendek. CCA yo! Batah udah inda CCA ani. To yg slalu escape CCA, sapek and khalid (PPB), jgnth escape ni CCA ah, mau jua ku merasa d padang. Masa p.e inda puas. Next week bruth tani escape mcm biasa,ok? 

End of announcement :P

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Match postponed to next week.

The match against Silverines will be postponed because tdi there was a misunderstanding on who was supposed to get the permission. Since getting a permission slip ready in one day is impossible, we decided to postpone it to next week. It'll be next Sunday so there's more time for us to change the location.
Probably Mata-Mata 'cause sorang2 inda mau hilang bula arh Pusar Ulak.. and sorang2 inda mau membayar pdg..
So tunggu sja soundnya on Saturday or Monday..

Tuesday 6 October 2009

First Match Vs. Silverines!

I'm sure you guys know Silverines FC since they're our friendly rival.
Recently they managed to beat Fatalis 4-2.
Now, guess what! We're gonna set up a match between Ivalice and Silverines!
Since our last permission to use the field was denied due to H1N1 fears, we're gonna try a different tactic to convince the principal to grant us the permission.
Jason (SFC) and I have discussed about our tactics and we're just gonna do a simple one like telling the principal that this is our last chance to play football to relieve stress since exam's in less that 2 weeks (Damn, is that right?!)
So cross your fingers and hope that we can use the field. If we get the permission, then first time tah tani urg2 ivalice players merasa main on the field "officially". If not, then we'll just have to pick between these 2 free of charge fields : Pusar Ulak (Rocky) and Mata - Mata (Sand).

The suggested time and date is on Friday, 9/10/2009 at 2.30pm - 5.30pm.
Rolling substitution tu mcm biasa. 
Referee: To be decided..

Btw, if you cant make it on Friday due to any reason, please do write on the CBox so that Jason and I can arrange another date or time.
If the reason is psl no transport, have no fear. Just consult me in school then dpt sruh urg lain menyinggahkn.

That'll be all.

Monday 5 October 2009

Weekend friendly.

This Saturday, we'll have a friendly game against MSVFC. It'll be 6-a-side. No rivalries ni. To all Ivalice players, main lambut2 sja. Because apparently, cara tani main atu kasar so jgn catu. Kesiani durang. Ani for their experience before diurang ikut Z.I Cup. Yg di harapkan supaya datang: Syazani, Nazri, Sapek, Joe, Amirul, Adib, Aisam, Farhan Midon and yg lain jua di harap datang.
Time: 5.40 (Bagi time utk clear pdg)- 6.10. 
Baju: Inda pyh bwa bju Ivalice, pkai bju p.e. sja tu.

Btw, siapa yg ikut bas atu diberi kelonggaran.. If mau main, buleh main. If inda mau, jgnth. Jgn susahkn diri..

Saturday 3 October 2009

Group photo tadi.

Top Row(L to R): Han, Roy, Nick, Mirul, Lukas, AJ, Aisam, Haneef
Middle Row (L to R): Nicky Hao, Joe, Sapek
Bottom Row(L to R): Arif, Syazani, Syafiq Adli, Sanusi, Hazeeq

Absentees: Nazri (Lari), Adib(Lari), FarhaMid, Ti, Afham and Dzul(Lari)..

Banyal yg nada ni:(
Nanti th begambar full2 

p/s: Yg ada (lari) atu ertinya inda mau ikut begambar..

Year 8H Open Class.

This is from Ivalice's players from Yr 8H (Joe, Nuts and TCH):

We would like to invite you all to our open class tomorrow. 3.30-5.30 pm.
Attendance is appreciated. Guests are allowed to bring friends.
Friends= Girlfriends, sama jua lah.
Bah, datang ah. To yg kn open class atu jua, post sini.
Jgn tunjukkan kemaluan ani nah (lame xD)

Bah. Kami ciao dulu.

Friday 2 October 2009

Group photo..

Tomorrow, Saturday 3/10/09, ada photo taking session organized by Jonathan (MSV).
He said maybe ada 3 teams begambar. Ivalice, Silverines and MSVFC.
But inda betamu tu. Ivalice with Ivalice. Yg lain dgn team durng sendiri lah..
Begambar masa open class ah. Around 4.30 catu, di concourse.
Inda pyh bwa jersey, begambar pkai cara melayu ja..

Aight~ Out.

Open house(syazani)

Date :Friday ,October 02 2009
Time:2-9,pandai-pandai lah kmu bejanji kn dtg kul berapa.
Address:No.2, spg 46-21 ,kpg madang
House description: antah ehh
no. ku 8929052 ..telepon sja tia mun kmu ada masalah.