Friday 2 April 2010

Trivella 2nd leg match report.

This was the funnest match we had in so long. 
Everyone had fun playing, and most importantly semua ampit main! HAHA. 

We were a little rough on the edge. Well, no surprise since we didnt have any match during the holidays (except for the supposedly 2nd leg di Kebajikan where only 4 came :P)

But nonetheless, it was a good match. Played according to Haneef and Mirul's planning. Tried the Arsenal way of play, and it kinda worked. Next match pakai lagi strategy atu, ok? 

Ok, match report. 
Trivella came on strong and lead by 3 goals to none. But we switched the seriousness off and played playfully and we scored 2 goals in the process (Told ya serious play doesn't work!) And kudos to Syafiq Adli for saving lots of attempts. HAHAHA! Senyum lagi tu :P Isyraq jua, but concede satu goal palui :D And Syazani too. Nice save guys! A few more goals here and there. End of match.

Match ended: 6-4 (Trivella)
Scorers: Adib, Haneef, Farhamid and Sapek.


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