Monday 26 April 2010

The departure of our well-respected player :(

Our star-striker, the one the only, Khairuddin Mohin has voiced out his request to leave the team to prioritize his studies as exams are near. 

Well, I cant really blame him for that. He could just stay and not play, but it'll prove to be a big distraction to him. Temptation to play is our number one nemesis when it comes to our studies. But us MS-ians, we've learned to balance all that. 

There's a time to play, and there's a time to study. So, to sum up, we here at Ivalice would like to wish Khai the best of luck in the coming examination and also the best of luck in life. 

You got skills boy, and if you wish to join us back, you are welcomed to do so. Thank you for all of your contributions and everything. Thank you.

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