Monday 26 April 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Ivalice FC #7!

Happy Belated Birthday Sham Muhammad!
(Facebook name lagi tu eh :P)

Sorry ah lambat. 3 days ago wah birthday mu. HAHAHA. 
Barutah ku ada masa mem-post segala-gala yang di hajati ani :P H/W saja bah Ms. Ammie membagi hari-hari. Kamu pun sama kali tu eh. Kan, Rul? :P

Bah, lanja ah. 
Well, sepatutnya udah pulang kau lanja ni but eh antam, lanja saja tia isuk! Match Wednesday jangan lupa datang ah!

The departure of our well-respected player :(

Our star-striker, the one the only, Khairuddin Mohin has voiced out his request to leave the team to prioritize his studies as exams are near. 

Well, I cant really blame him for that. He could just stay and not play, but it'll prove to be a big distraction to him. Temptation to play is our number one nemesis when it comes to our studies. But us MS-ians, we've learned to balance all that. 

There's a time to play, and there's a time to study. So, to sum up, we here at Ivalice would like to wish Khai the best of luck in the coming examination and also the best of luck in life. 

You got skills boy, and if you wish to join us back, you are welcomed to do so. Thank you for all of your contributions and everything. Thank you.


U15 and U19 BJSL. 


PUKUL 2.30 U15 MAIN AND U18 MAIN AT 4. Come!

IvaGen Special Match.

Opponent: Genesis
Time: 3-5.30 pm.
Venue: MS Football Field.
Kit: Ivalice jersey or any white shirt.
Attendance: COMPULSORY! 

This match is to honour a special football icon in MS, who just had a bus accident while on the way to Medinah with his family. Two of his family member died. But he's fine. For more info, baca newspaper. So out of respect, we'll be wearing black tapes on our sleeves on that match. 
Please come. 
Spread the word around please! 

P/s: Tapes will be supplied by Weeli and maybe me (If aku sampat membali)

Tuesday 20 April 2010


To those yang balum bayar jersey atu, please bayar! 
Aku kan buat baju atu after exams. Before cuti. Then after cuti, baru ku bagi. After siap printing and everything.


Ivalice Uno:
Dibo Roslim
Nick TCH
Aisam Mohd
Syafiq Adli Ja'far
Farhan Amidon
Edward Natius

Ivalice Dos:
Sapek Saini
Roy Liaw
Haneef Masir
Amirul Moksin
Alfred Jason
Lukas Anderias
Faizul Irsyadudien

Ivalice Tres:
Joe Sarudin
Syazani Mohd
Afham Bakar
Ti Zhi Yuan
Faiz Jufri
Dzul Bahrin

Ivalice Cuatro:
Nazri Saman
Isyraq Jeffery
Zainul Yassin
Sanusi Zulkipli
Farhan Jafar Ali
Nicky Yap 

Line-up ani adil udah ni and will only be changed if the situation really demands it.
Kalau balum sefahaman, fahami tia teammates atu. Apakan.
Most of all, obey what your individual captains tells you to do.
Trust me, it will be beneficial to all!

Match against PTE Meragang-ians!

Opponent: Team Sanal VR!
Time: 3pm onwards.
Venue: Padang Gadong. Dapan riverview.
Kit: Ivalice jersey or any white shirt.
Attendance: COMPULSORY! 

First match tani main di luar skulah ni this year. Better play well! Lawan team si Sanal VR ni.
Btw, padang gadong ani in front of riverview hotel. siring sungai menglait. dakat rumah pg. di-gadong. 
Atu jua boss kamu inda tau, bah inda tah ku tau tu. Kalau sasat, misis saja aku. tlipun kah. 24/7 ni aku ah. bukan road service pulang tu. HAHA. saja kan becali. kalau inda cali, jangan ketawa! NGOK!


Si Sanal cakap team ani inda handal so dont worry, even if he lied, masih jua tani gain experience tu. 


Opponent: Babuchop
Time: 3-5 pm.
Venue: MS Hockey Field! (Yes, hockey!)
Kit: Ivalice jersey or any white shirt.
Attendance: COMPULSORY! 

WOOHOO! Main arah tempat hockey. Siuk ni yo! The field's not as bad as our footie field. At least rata sikit. 
Isuk aku main akhir sikit tu, aku ada class sampai 3 so yeah.. Datang awal ah. Around 2.30 atu sudah sedia with everything tu. Bah atu saja. SEMUA DATANG AH!

Sunday 18 April 2010

bah sodah sodah!

uiii!:P lawan futsal team UNPERFECT FC!!! kamu mau bila and dimana??

BGITAU ARH CBOX!! haha mental eyh :P bah important ne haha

Friday 16 April 2010


guys! tani ada match ne ah di kebajikan ah.

Opponent: Family Team ku & urang MTSSR kali.
Time: 2pm-4pm
Date: 25 April 2010 (Sunday)
Venue: Kebajikan, Futsal B
Kit: inda pyah bebaju ah. haha. bju ivalice lah, atu pun nda tau. baik adang. haha

BAH! Jgn lupa datang ah. Klu inda dapat, inda ku paksa, tpi klu dapat datng sja ah. Atleast 5 urang ada dtang ah mesti 5 confirm dtang ah. Ada tiga team ni. Spread the word around.

p/s: btah pulang lgi tu, tpi saja post awal. psal blog ani behabuk udah ah. asal ku msuk gmbar baju gnya tpi alum jua bebali. ytah aku sja update kn psal si joe busy blajar ah. *mcm si banar. haha

-Mirul #94

Friday 9 April 2010

Jerseys! Confirmed :D

Okay, we've narrowed the jerseys down to these 3. Make your choice!

Rugged ah? Ganya masalahnya, di Brunei balum ada bejual yang untuk teams. HAHAHA! Excited ku udah tu meliat baju2 ani. Except for yang Nike atu, takut ku tekeluar2 lamak ku dimana2. Yang ujung skali sbalah kanan atu lah, yang biru ah, aku mau yang merah. pasal its simple and lawa and plenty of space for customization.

So this is the confirmed 3: 

 Squadra II.
This is a bit similar to the blue one on top but its simpler and too simple, i think. But rugged masih lah. Hahaha.


Ani i think ada bejual arah Gills, the design's bitchen and everything's great ganya masalahnya Genesis udah buat cani and i heard the VRs didnt really like the fact that Genesis made the same jersey design as them so I'd stay away from this design. Kalau semua nada and ani ganya yang ada, tani ambil ani lah saja. But im hoping the one below ada.


This is the best chance that we can get since ani banyak bejual di Gills and Kashful. Kalau yang lain atu availability not 100% yet. So I recommend this, and I like the design on the neck :D The design on the side atu ganya yang spoil.

So, make your choice now! And to those yang balum bayar, please bayar. And can someone ask si Edward and si Khai if durang mau minta buatkan jersey ani.

And yang ku tau alum membayar lah, Zeeq and Arif. Yang lain inda ku tau, bagitau aku siapa yang udah bayar ah. Si sapek ani ambil2 saja duit atu, but inda di recordnya siapa yang udah bayar -.- I hope kau ada keep a record pek, kalau inda, masalh ni geng. HAHAHA! Bah, atu saja. Imma make a poll ni, baik kamu vote.

Future Matches!


Silverines (Padang)
Yayasan (Padang)
WTFC (Futsal)
Babuchop (Not confirmed)
Unperfect United FC (Padang Gadong)

Atu saja yang ku tau. 
Btw, yang Yayasan atu tani lawan arah padang durang tu. On a school day. Iatah aku kan plan transport ni. Either sewa bus or pakai driver Syafiq Adli and si Dayat J. (VR) since match ani tani combine sama VR Form 5 kali. Inda papa tu, durnag inda ramai. 

And yang lawan Unperfect atu, tani main di padang gadong. Padang dapan riverview hotel but not in the near future. Next month kali after tani abis mid-year exam. Yang lain atu tani sampat2 kan tah before exam. OK?

Inda pulang confirm ni tani match lawan sama all of them but hopefully semua lah.

Full-name kamu semua.

Guys, imma need you all punya full-name and class by tomorrow. So, buat arah cbox or inbox aku or anything. 

Give me your full name and class. 
Untuk book padang. 

Aku kan book pdg basar against Silverines and many more teams. Tani ani kurang matches udah, shooting ku pun belingkuk ganya udah :P I know kamu busy with school team training, so aku buat matches atu masa kamu free lah, ok? Karang bepacah team ani, iatah banyak2 ku buat match ni.

Bah, buat tia awal ani. CBox kah, FB inbox kah or MSN. Bagitau semua Ivalice yang MS.



Star right-winger kami ni! Haha.

Keep up with the great assists and wonderful crosses, 
and may you have the best luck in life.
Ok, bro? 

According to my dad, and this goes to everyone, "Football is football, education's your number one priority."
Hahaha, saja sharing sama kamu apa yang aku kana bomb oleh parents ku a while back :P

Bah, atu saja. Sorry blog ani inda be-update, aku nada masa geng, h/w kana bagi mcm pikirnya aku ani contractor kali. Bgi saja keraja, buat selajur -.- HAHAHA! 

Mcm biasa, LANJA AH :P

p/s: Sorry mir, gambar atu ada muaku. Hahaha. Aku kan crop your whole body, tapi ada tia aku arah background ah :P -Joe

Saturday 3 April 2010


ISUK MAIN DI HARUN'S GYM! 1-3pm. FREE! Si Weeli bayarkan for tani Year 9. Be grateful! :) 

Friday 2 April 2010

Trivella 2nd leg match report.

This was the funnest match we had in so long. 
Everyone had fun playing, and most importantly semua ampit main! HAHA. 

We were a little rough on the edge. Well, no surprise since we didnt have any match during the holidays (except for the supposedly 2nd leg di Kebajikan where only 4 came :P)

But nonetheless, it was a good match. Played according to Haneef and Mirul's planning. Tried the Arsenal way of play, and it kinda worked. Next match pakai lagi strategy atu, ok? 

Ok, match report. 
Trivella came on strong and lead by 3 goals to none. But we switched the seriousness off and played playfully and we scored 2 goals in the process (Told ya serious play doesn't work!) And kudos to Syafiq Adli for saving lots of attempts. HAHAHA! Senyum lagi tu :P Isyraq jua, but concede satu goal palui :D And Syazani too. Nice save guys! A few more goals here and there. End of match.

Match ended: 6-4 (Trivella)
Scorers: Adib, Haneef, Farhamid and Sapek.


Krg swimming.
