Monday 24 May 2010

Transfer news. (Hahaha, lame :D)

I have bad news and good news, guys. 

Well, imma tell you the bad news first. Our beloved friend, Nicky Yap Kah Hao #25 has left the team. He left to focus on his studies (DAMN SPN21! :@). We've not heard from him in so long, rupanya diam-diam sedang concentrate belajar. Well, we cant blame him for that. It's his decision, and so we're gonna respect it. 

Bah, now on to the good news.

We have two new signings! Hazim Amin and Matyn Talib from Silverines. I'm not so sure their captain agrees yet, but both of them personally met us and expressed their wishes to join this team. So by that, I speak for everyone when I say, WELCOME TO IVALICE FT!
And we have another future signing but it's still not confirmed yet. Najib Hamdan, also from Silverines. We'll give the updates on that in the near future.

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