Wednesday 24 March 2010

IVAGEN match report.

Hahaha, sorry delay match report ani. Maklum, kem qiadah and all. This match was held on the 18th of March, on the last day of school. Kami kem qiadah start on Friday the next day until Monday, so nada time kan update. Since aku lupa udah apa jadi, aku buat bullet-point form sja.

Scoreline: 8-4
Goalscorers: Adib (2), Aisam, Haneef

Ah, baru ku ingat. Time anu ni, assist si Mirul rugged. Hahaha. Dari midfield, crossing arah si Adib. Atu tah ganya tu yang ku ingat.


Urang kem qiadah ganya tau ni :P

Part of me laughs, Part of me cries, Part of me wants to question why~
Why is there joy, why is there pain, Why is there sunshine after the rain~

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