Guys, sorry to sound like kadai sports but here's the thing. Bilik ku samak udah with bags and such that I wanted to throw them out until the thought of selling them came to my mind. So here it is.
I have another 4 items to sell.
See below:
Since my adidas Predator shoe bag was a big hit, I coincidentally came across these two bags below my stack of baju bula. So here it is:
1) Umbro shoe bag.
2) Nike retro shoe bag.
Here's another random one. HAHAHA! Adidas originals backpack.
Im selling it for $25.
Pakai ku untuk bawa footie stuff if match. Behabuk and bepasir pulang sikit but dapat jua di-cuci kali ah.
I do have another bag pulang for sale but after pikir punya pikir aku inda jadi jual because, you know, apa kan ku pakai bawa barang kalau match nanti! :P
Unless, kamu ada offer which I cant resist. Aku jual ni.
I will only accept offers of $30 and above. HAHAHA! Baru masih bah. Pakai ku skulah jua ni masa Year 7 :D Kalau ada yang interested, text me on FB or MSN.
Here's the pic just to show you. adidas +Predator backpack.
If kamu tanya kenapa mahal, its because I bought it for RM150 which is B$70 so bear with me in this.
*Terms and conditions applied. xD