Friday 7 August 2009

Great Game!

Reports on todays match!
First of all, we would like to thank Azizan from UIC for inviting us to play today :D

We had 3 games, vs. ex MS, urg2 sports school & national team players and a mix of both.. It was the first time we tried that "serious play" but it didn't work out so we had c Joe untuk becali. HAHA We lost 2 and the other one was a draw:P We lost 5-4 or 5-3 tu against the sports school and I forgot the score for the mix.. But it wasn't far, 4-2 if i'm not mistaken..
Vs. ex MS was a draw, nil-nil.
Those who came were: Syafiq, Joe, Haneef, Mirul, AJ, Faizul, Khalid, Syafiq Adli, GZul and Nazri.
As you can see, not a single keeper came, so we took turn becoming keepers and as a result, our hands were so red and sore, it was painful to even move our fingers. But we don't care..

To those yg inda datang, rugi berabis, we had so much fun..

Quote of the day: "Kalau mati, diurang buat lagi satu" as made famous by Joe.
So inappropriate!

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