Friday 28 August 2009

Happy B'day To Sanusi Zulkipli!

#28, you amaze us with your wonderful assists and crosses! All the best during this exam year and best of luck in life! Isuk lanja sungkai di C.A. Mohammad.. Lanja teh tarik sma murtabak telur :P

- Teammatesmu

Update on the jerseys..

Ok, so i went to both Kashful and Gills Sports just now and ask them about the pricing of the jerseys.
So I was wrong before when I said the jerseys at Kashful weren't as nice as the one at Gills because as it turns out the other way around.. The pricing I said before were also incorrect.
The price at Kashful is $25 which includes the jerseys, shorts, socks, free numbering and name and also a free ball..
The price at Gills Sport is $23 which includes everything too plus a free ball.
The jerseys I have in mind is Adidas Onore and Adidas Trofeo. You can see the sample below.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Ivalice Facebook page!

Here's the link!

You guys are the admins udah tu.. Edit2 tia.
To the rest, BECOME A FAN!

-El Kapitano

Away jerseys.

About the away jersey, we (The Kapitanos) did some scouting for the ideal price for the jerseys..
Arh Gills Sports, the Tiro jersey is still overpriced at $69 each..
Other jerseys costs around $25 dollars each excluding name and number printing..
Arh Kashful, the jerseys costs $23 but it comes with a package of free printing of names and numbers and free socks.. Also buleh request free bula ni.. Problem is, the jerseys aren't as good looking as the one arh Gills.
So decide and drop your decisions on the CBox..

We're planning on buying the jerseys just before the league starts. So kumpul2 th duit raya:P

-#21, #13 & #99

Friday 21 August 2009

Selamat Menyambut Kedatangan Bulan Ramadhan!

Isuk start puasa ni, which means no official matches during the whole month.. Main saja2 masih lagi ada and also activities banyak ni. Antaranya baca Quran, sembahyang, and more. Iatah timenya ni memperbanyakkan amal ibadat (Chewah! :D) Start main bula first day of Raya. Seriously! :P HAHAHA

List of upcoming matches:
Silverines FC
SAS School Team
Team Menglait Secondary School
and banyak lagi.. (Too much challenges, kalau handal inda jua kami ani :P)

These matches are part of Ivalice's pre-season tour before the Year 8 Premier League which will start on the 27th of November (Right after SSSRU..)

List of teams in the league (The ones confirmed so far..) :
Ivalice Uno
Ivalice Dos
Ivalice Tres
Silverines Viends
Silverines Deux
Silverines Drei
Blackout FC
Bah, atu saja..

- #21, #13 & #99

Wednesday 19 August 2009

The match against Silverines and UIC.

The supposed match against Silverines this Friday will be postponed to a later date as our request to use the field was rejected by the principal 'cause of H1N1 fears. The match against UIC on the same day will also be postponed.. Tapi datang saja lah on Friday ani (if inda puasa..), for training. 2-5.30 pm. Drop your RSVP arh the CBox (The CBox is new because the old one rusak udah).OK?

- #99, #21 & #13

Happy B'day To Dos Keeper!

Happy Birthday Roy!
We just wanna wish him the best of luck in life and in school!
Isuk lanja kami, Roy!
Kalau inda, inda main lagi ni :P nadawah..


Tuesday 18 August 2009

Joe's still with Ivalice and that'll never change!

Eh, about yg arh CBox atu inda banar tu..
I'm not quitting Ivalice and never will.. And you know it!
Jangan th percaya banar arh CBox atu, tau tah spammer banyak :D
Bah, atu saja.. Jangan th ingau, karang sapa jua kn becali d padang
, indakn kamu serious saja main? :)


Saturday 15 August 2009

Yo! Can you guys read this?

Cuba2 tah kmu baca ne

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

p/s: Klu kmu tbaca bgus tah tu, mun inda tbcac, atu bnar..
ahaha, nda ku tau tu ah. just for fun ne gnya.. Lgipun blog lama nda be-updated ah..

-Amirul #94

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Our own Facebook page.

Eh, what do you guys think of making our own Facebook page? That way sanang jua urg lain contact tani if mau match..
Just a suggestion, inda payah buat if inda mau.
Drop your reply arh the CBox!

P/s: The match on Friday alum ada confirmation but if confirm, datang eh. Last game kmu in 3 months bah tu :(

-El Kapitano

Saturday 8 August 2009

Match postponed!

Umm, yang match on Tuesday atu postponed.. Kata c Zizan diurang ada main d padang UBD on that day, so inda jadi lah tu. Memalui tah kami saja tu. But bawa sja baju Ivalice lah, main saja2 + training.. Kalau inda dapat datang inda papa, inda kami paksa. Andang2 th gtau urg year 7 and silverines supaya jgn pakai the field on Tuesday, kami booking.. Diurang booking on Saturday udah, so kmi booking Tuesday lah:D And pasal the new baju, i need your opinion so what if adakan meeting lagi? Spread the word around. A'ght?

P/s: C Azizan suruh kamu add ia arh Facebook. Kamu as in yang kenal ia saja lah..


Reports on the rematch.

About the match, we won the match 4-1. Farhan Amidon opened the goal tally somewhere around the 3rd-5th minute and scored the second goal near halftime. Hazeeq scored from inside the penalty box and tarus balik! :D I forgot who scored the other one but I appreciate those yang datang especially AJ who was the key player in the defensive line and Farhan Amidon who scored two goals and finally left the doubters speechless. Thank you very much.

P/s: This week is the last week we're going to play until November because of Puasa and most of us have Ugama SSSRU exams and all of us have SPEs. So, look out for us, we'll come back stronger than ever!


-El Kapitano

Friday 7 August 2009

Great Game!

Reports on todays match!
First of all, we would like to thank Azizan from UIC for inviting us to play today :D

We had 3 games, vs. ex MS, urg2 sports school & national team players and a mix of both.. It was the first time we tried that "serious play" but it didn't work out so we had c Joe untuk becali. HAHA We lost 2 and the other one was a draw:P We lost 5-4 or 5-3 tu against the sports school and I forgot the score for the mix.. But it wasn't far, 4-2 if i'm not mistaken..
Vs. ex MS was a draw, nil-nil.
Those who came were: Syafiq, Joe, Haneef, Mirul, AJ, Faizul, Khalid, Syafiq Adli, GZul and Nazri.
As you can see, not a single keeper came, so we took turn becoming keepers and as a result, our hands were so red and sore, it was painful to even move our fingers. But we don't care..

To those yg inda datang, rugi berabis, we had so much fun..

Quote of the day: "Kalau mati, diurang buat lagi satu" as made famous by Joe.
So inappropriate!

Thursday 6 August 2009


Rematch against MSVFC (Kanaks-kanaks) on Saturday 8-8-09, 5.30-6.15.. Pkai baju Ivalice putih! Umm, how do I say this? Umm, yg ikut bas atu (Amirul, Farhan Midon, and the others), buleh kamu balik ikut parents kh? We really want you guys to play this match..


Sunday 2 August 2009

Drop your opinions nicely at the CBox.


Since ramai yg inda puas hati with Ivalice, we've decided to make the CBox as a suggestion box. Gtau what we did wrong nicely without ucap2, and we'll try to improve ourselves.. I see most of the comments come from rivals, Silverines and teams from other schools. We're quite shocked to see your comments but at the same time, it's great to have it so that we, Ivalice, who's quite new to this team stuff can learn from our mistakes. We admit what we went over the line. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by our remarks. Drop your suggestions. And no more hate posts!

- El Kapitano

Upcoming matches

Sedia2 th training.. Ada 3 upcoming matches ni. :0

1. Acai Randy - Friday 4-6 (Padang Kebajikan Futsal B)
2. PDS mixed - Friday 2-4 (Padang Kebajikan)
3. Year 7s - Masa balik 5.30-6 (MS Futsal Field)

Edward Natius..


One of our player stationed outside of MS, Edward Natius, has left Ivalice.. His reason was that Ivalice "cakap basar". All this while, I think it was him who said that.. Inda sadar diri. Anyways, we wish him the best of luck and thank him for his contributions to Ivalice(which was nothing :P).

P/s: Udah kluar team baruth brani ucap2 ah? Pandai.. Kalau kn kluar atu, sepatutnya jumpa captain bisai2. Ani cani, bida bui~

Saturday 1 August 2009


After bad news now good news comes as Dzul Bahrin has completed his transfer from Silverines FC and made his debut match against the "kanaks-kanaks" tadi.. His volley shot was denied by the opposing team's "Big Goalie", twice as I recalled it. Anyway, great game and we here at Ivalice wishes Dzul to have fun at Ivalice. :D

Chill saja~


Jangan tah malu2.. We didn't lost the game.. Kami manang 5-4 on full time but then c Syafiq insisted main sambung lagi but somehow, the Year 7s macam staie goal 2 biji courtesy of Mirza(Ivalice traitor). Jangan tah takut arh Year 7, udah 2 urang kmi kasari badan durang tadi (We did this psl durang mulakan.. Jangan th bising lagi arh CBox atu).. Nada durang brani kurang ajar arh tani tu.. But I have to say, they played a wonderful game today, they were fast and we were outnumbered and unfit.. Next Saturday lagi ni ada rematch and I hope nada lagi main2 mcm tadi especially dari Syafiq, Joe and Adib and everybody else who performed badly but somehow managed to get on the scoresheet (Syafiq, 1 goal and Adib, 1 assist) It was a wake-up call for Ivalice.. A thousand thanks to Aslin(One match loan from Silverines) who scored 3 goals. Goalscorers: Aslin, Syafiq and Joe. To answer the hate replies from the CBox, kami kalah the battle but not the game, get it? That guest and Form 5 person just fuck off.. Ko yg staie, pakai nama banar wh.. or cakap dapan2, baruth kami sadar.. Ani ko provoke kami lagi tu.. FUCK OFF!

P/S: Let your feet do the talking, settle this main bula, bukan ucap2.. ko yg childish,baie!